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From Origins
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Eric Smith.jpg

Eric Smith
Earth-Life Science Institute/SFI
Email address


D. Eric Smith received the Bachelor of Science in Physics and Mathematics from the California Institute of Technology in 1987, and a Ph.D. in Physics from The University of Texas at Austin in 1993, with a dissertation on problems in string theory and high-temperature superconductivity. From 1993 to 2000 he worked in physical, nonlinear, and statistical acoustics at the Applied Research Labs: U. T. Austin, and at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. From 2000 he has worked at the Santa Fe Institute on problems of self-organization in thermal, chemical, and biological systems. A focus of his current work is the statistical mechanics of the transition from the geochemistry of the early earth to the first levels of biological organization, with some emphasis on the emergence of the metabolic network.

Involvement in the Origins Research Theme


This user is listed as a presenter for the following agenda items:

  1. Major Transitions in Life: Origins to Translation/E pluribus unum: Out of many different transitions, an origin of life


This user is listed as an attendee for the following meetings:

  1. Major Transitions in Life: Origins to Translation