Santa Fe Institute Collaboration Platform

Thermodynamics of Computation

Beilstein Bozen Symposium

From Thermodynamics of Computation

Start date/time: June 05, 2018

End date/time: June 07, 2018

Description: Complex molecules found in nature are the results of chemical reactions in biological systems, i.e. living systems. But what is the maximum complexity that can be found abiotically without the use of a biological system and is there a limit to the complexity that biological systems can produce (or humans can understand)? Is the chemical variation of life on earth the most robust form potentially evolvable, or just robust enough? Is it efficient to mimic biological synthesis pathways by means from the organic chemistry toolbox?

Location: Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald Rüdesheim, Germany


Type of event: Meeting

Links to Reference Materials:

Attendee list:
