Estimating equilibrium ensemble averages using multiple time slices from driven nonequilibrium processes: Theory and application to free energies, moments, and thermodynamic length in single-molecule pulling experiments
From Thermodynamics of Computation
- reference groups
- Stochastic Thermodynamics
- author-supplied keywords
- keywords
- authors
- David D.L. Minh
- John D. Chodera
- title
- Estimating equilibrium ensemble averages using multiple time slices from driven nonequilibrium processes: Theory and application to free energies, moments, and thermodynamic length in single-molecule pulling experiments
- type
- journal
- year
- 2011
- source
- Journal of Chemical Physics
- volume
- 134
- issue
- 2
- link
-!"Error!" is not a number.)
- Citation count
- 14
- Page views
- 0
- doi: 10.1063/1.3516517 (Google search)
- issn: 00219606
- sgr: 78751518467
- pmid: 21241084
- scopus: 2-s2.0-78751518467
- pui: 361134801