Modulation of Chemical Composition and Other Parameters of the Cell by Growth Rate
From Thermodynamics of Computation
- reference groups
- Thermodynamics of Single Cells
- Naturally Occurring Biological Computation
- author-supplied keywords
- keywords
- authors
- Hans Bremer
- Patrick P Dennis
- title
- Modulation of Chemical Composition and Other Parameters of the Cell by Growth Rate
- type
- journal
- year
- 1987
- source
- Escherichia coli and Salmonella: cellular and molecular biology
- pages
- 1527-1542
- volume
- 2
- issue
- 122
- link
-!"Error!" is not a number.)
- Citation count
- Page views
- 0
- issn: 13541013
- isbn: 1555810845
- pmid: 4573848
- websites: