Santa Fe Institute Collaboration Platform

Thermodynamics of Computation

Pieter Rein ten Wolde

From Thermodynamics of Computation

Biography: Pieter Rein ten Wolde is a group leader at the FOM Institute AMOLF and a professor in the Department of Physics at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, Netherlands. He performed his Ph.D. research on the dynamics of first-order phase transitions at the FOM Institute AMOLF under the guidance of Prof. Daan Frenkel. After he obtained his Ph.D. in 1998, he did a postdoc in the group of David Chandler at the University of California, Berkeley, working on hydrophobic interactions. In 2001, he returned to AMOLF, where he set up a research group that combines theory and computer simulations to elucidate the design principles of biochemical networks. His current research interests include information transmission in cellular systems and the thermodynamics of cellular computation.

Field(s) of Research: Chemical Reaction Networks, Thermodynamics of Single Cells, Naturally Occurring Biological Computation

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Reference Materials

  1. Diffusion of transcription factors can drastically enhance the noise in gene expression
  2. Effect of feedback on the fidelity of information transmission of time-varying signals
  3. Energy dissipation and noise correlations in biochemical sensing
  4. Forward flux sampling for rare event simulations
  5. Fundamental Costs in the Production and Destruction of Persistent Polymer Copies
  6. Fundamental limits on sensing chemical concentrations with linear biochemical networks
  7. Lower bound on the precision of transcriptional regulation and why facilitated diffusion can reduce noise in gene expression
  8. Mutual information between input and output trajectories of biochemical networks
  9. On the connection between computational and biochemical measurement
  10. Optimal Prediction by Cellular Signaling Networks
  11. Rare switching events in non-stationary systems
  12. Role of spatial averaging in the precision of gene expression patterns
  13. The berg-purcell limit revisited
  14. Thermodynamics of Computational Copying in Biochemical Systems
  15. Thermodynamics of computational copying in biochemical systems