Santa Fe Institute Collaboration Platform

Thermodynamics of Computation


From Thermodynamics of Computation

I graduated with BTech in Mechanical Engineering in 2008 from the Indian Institute of Technology, India. I obtained my doctorate in Jan 2014 working at the Biological Physics group at Boston University before joining the Oxford Centre for Drug Delivery Devices (OxCD3) as a Post-Doctoral researcher in June 2015. At OXCD3 I have been investigating the bio-effects of Shockwaves for applications in drug delivery.

One of my primary research interest has been to provide experimental evidence for the hypothesis around the acoustic basis of nerve pulse propagation. The research is deeply tied to the energy consumption in neuronal signaling, as acoustic signalling is in principle adiabatic and reversible compared to the dissipative nature of electrical conduction. I have shown that nonlinear sound waves propagating in a lipid membrane with a phase transition show all the typical characteristics of action potentials such as solitary and all or none propagation, electromechanical coupling, refractory period and now in a publication this week I have also shown that these pulses can annihilate each other upon collision. ( Since these sound waves can practically do everything an action potential does, I have also filed a patent recently with the University of Oxford for a signal processing device that will work on acoustic principles analogous to neurons.

I have been referred to contribute to this wiki by Prof. David Wolpert and would like to add to references and discussion topics in due course.