Correlation between genetic regulation of immune responsiveness and host defence against infections and tumours
From Complex Time
- Category
- General Reference
- author-supplied keywords
- keywords
- authors
- title
- Correlation between genetic regulation of immune responsiveness and host defence against infections and tumours
- type
- magazine_article
- year
- 1982
- source
- European Journal of Clinical Investigation
- pages
- 373-376
- volume
- 12
- issue
- 5
- Citation count From Scopus. Refreshed every 5 days.
- Page views
- 0
- doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2362.1982.tb00681.x (Google search)
- issn: 13652362
- sgr: 0020314350
- scopus: 2-s2.0-0020314350
- pui: 416068269