- Name
- Steven Petersen
- Affiliation
- Washington Univ.-St. Louis
- Email address
- Field(s) of Research
- Neuroimaging, Attentional Control System, Large-scale Functional Network
I have three main areas of behavioral and imaging research: the development of reading, attentional control systems, and the description of large-scale functional networks. The first focus is on the development of neural mechanisms underlying reading from ages 7 to adulthood with an emphasis on how visual regions in the brain change as people become fluent readers.
The second focus is on identifying and characterizing networks of regions for task organization and executive control. This work has lead to more than 10 publications describing the function of two relatively independent task control networks, one working to maintain task set or goals, and the other to task initiation and adjustment of ongoing performance. This work is primarily in typical and typically developing populations, but also in individuals with autism, Tourette Syndrome, and stroke. This line of studies encouraged us to employ graph theoretic techniques to model relationships in control systems, leading to the study of very large-scale network studies of dozens of brain regions.
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Involvement in the Complex Time Research Theme
This user is listed as an organizer for the following meetings:
- Cognitive Regime Shift I - When the Brain Breaks
- Cognitive Regime Shift II - When/why/how the Brain Breaks
This user is listed as a presenter for the following agenda items:
- Cognitive Regime Shift I - When the Brain Breaks/"The use of large-scale brain correlations to study aging and some interesting issues that they raise"
- Cognitive Regime Shift I - When the Brain Breaks/Welcome & Introduction around the Room
- Cognitive Regime Shift II - When/why/how the Brain Breaks/Introductory Remarks