Santa Fe Institute Collaboration Platform

COMPLEX TIME: Adaptation, Aging, & Arrow of Time

Get Involved!
Contact: Caitlin Lorraine McShea, Program Manager,


From Complex Time

Modify the quotes[edit | edit source]

To modify the quotes on the right side of the page, click here.

Modify the Main Page slideshow[edit | edit source]

To modify the Main Page slideshow, click here.

Approve revisions[edit | edit source]

Use this page.


  1. Using the links at the top of that page, load the desired list of pages.
  2. Click the page title.
  3. Click ....
  4. Click History.
  5. Find the desired revision and click approve.

GoogleDocCreator[edit | edit source]

Use this page.

Create a Google Doc for a meeting[edit | edit source]

It is possible to get a link to one Google Doc wiki page for a meeting. The link will be displayed in the "Meeting summary & reflection" tab under "Post-meeting Summary by Organizer".

Here are step-by-step instructions:

  1. Navigate to this page.
  2. Click "Click to get Auth Code".
  3. On the next Google screen, choose an account that will "own" the Google doc that is about to be created.
  4. Google may display "This app isn't verified". Click "Advanced". Click "go to SFI (unsafe)". It is safe. Click "Allow".
  5. On the next Google screen, copy the code by clicking the "copy" icon.
  6. Paste that code into the text box, under "Enter Auth Code".
  7. Click "Submit"
  8. Enter the Wiki Page Title. The title must be exactly: Meeting Name Shared-doc. For example:

Dynamic Multi-System Resilience in Human Aging Shared-doc

A link to the document will now automatically be displayed on the Meeting page.

Files/Uploads[edit | edit source]

Encrypting a file[edit | edit source]

When uploading files through either the UploadWizard or regular Upload form, you can optionally encrypt the file. Click the "Encrypt upload" checkbox.

Decrypting a file or retrieve decryption key[edit | edit source]

To decrypt a file or to retrieve the decryption key in order to pass it on to other users, navigate to the encrypted file's File: page. You will see a warning that says "The file is encrypted and requires you to know the secret password in order to be able to decrypt & download it.". If you uploaded that file, it will show you the decryption key. To decrypt the file, enter the key in the text box and click the button labeled "Decrypt & Download".

Note that the decryption key is also visible for the administrators and Fly-on-the-wall groups. Users can be added to these groups here.

Delete a file[edit | edit source]

To delete a file:

  1. Click here to go to the multimedia search page.
  2. Enter a part of the File name and click Search.
  3. In the results list, click the File name to be deleted.
  4. On the File page, click ....
  5. Click Delete.

Note: Presentation files and Related files offer their own way to delete those files from the Agenda page. The above is also a working alternative for those files.

Forums[edit | edit source]

Meeting Forums[edit | edit source]

  • Every Meeting page displays a button at the bottom to create a Meeting Forum (if the Forum hasn't already been created).
  • After clicking the button, the Meeting Forum is automatically created on the Meeting page's "Discussion" page.
  • Once the Meeting Forum has been created, instead of showing the button, the Meeting page will display a link to the Meeting Forum page, and will also display the number of comments currently on the Meeting Forum page.
  • The Meeting Forum landing page is here. That page lists all the forums that have been created, as well as the Meeting's Type and Year.

Accounts[edit | edit source]

Create accounts[edit | edit source]

For batch account creation (both wiki account and user page), send a spreadsheet to Ike.

For individual accounts, use this page. Note that a User Page also needs to be created in order for the person to appear as an option for adding on forms. See here for more information.

Edit account info (email address, password, real name)[edit | edit source]

Use this page.

Reset User passwords[edit | edit source]

Use this page.

  1. Upload a CSV that has only one column. That column should contain a list of user names whose password should be reset.
  2. To set a specific password for all the users in the batch, enter the password in the "New Password (Optional)" field. Or, leave this field blank and the wiki will generate a random password.

Please test this with one address first.

Customizing the message[edit | edit source]

You can customize the message that the MassPasswordReset extension sends. Follow these steps:

  1. Click here to edit the email subject. The current subject is: SFI Aging in Single-celled Organisms WG (2/10 - 2/12/2020).
  2. Click here to edit the email body.
  3. Pay close attention to $1 and the other variables. $1 will be substituted with the recipient's username. $2 will be substituted with the new password. $3 will be substituted with the sender's username.
  4. Also, note that this page will be parsed like a regular MediaWiki page. That means you can use wikitext. It also means that a single newline character will be interpreted as a space. What you see below is very close to what the user will see in the email. Do test though! The current body text is:

Hi $1,

Thank you for participating in the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) "Aging in Single-celled Organisms: from Bacteria to the Whole Tree of Life" working group (WG), 2/10/2020 - 2/12/2020, co-organized by Jacopo Grilli (ICTP), Srividya Iyer-Biswas (Purdue Univ.), Chris Kempes (SFI), and Matteo Osella (Univ. Turin). This WG is part of the SFI Complex Time: Adaptation, Aging, & the Arrow of Time research theme, funded by the James S. McDonnell Foundation.

We will be using the SFI Complex Time wiki to capture and share important meeting information during the meeting.

The "Aging in Single-celled Organisms WG" page is here.

Please use the following log-in details:

Username: $1
Password (randomly generated; be careful not to copy an extra space before/after): $2

You can change your password once you have logged in, by going to the wiki top right corner, blue people icon -> Preferences, scroll down to the "Basic information" box, where it says Password: Change password. If you ever forget your password, you can follow the "forget your password" on the wiki log in page, or ask Amy to reset your password (contact her at

- Two ways to contribute Meeting Reflection, References, and Reference Notes: (1) click here (you will be prompted to log in first) (2) from the meeting wiki, click on the box on the left-hand side of the page that says Add or edit your own meeting material (you will be prompted to log in first).

Meeting Reflections are 1+ paragraphs on any combination of the following: Presentation highlights, open questions that came up, how your perspective changed, impact on your own work, e.g. the discussion on [A] that we are having reminds me of [B] conference/[C] initiative/[D] funding call-for-proposal/[E] research group

By References we don't only mean your own work related to this WG, but also synergistic work you know of elsewhere, especially those you think of or mentioned to the group during the group discussion.

By Reference Notes we mean some documentations about the references that you are adding, for example: "Here is [A] database on [B] that I pull data from to do [C] analysis that might be of interest to this group (provide link)", "here is a free tool for calculating [ABC] (provide link)", "this painting/sculpture/forms of artwork is emblematic to our discussion on [X]!", "Schwartz et al. 2017 offers a review on [ABC] migration as relate to climatic factors"

-To comment on another participant's meeting reflection : go to the meeting wiki, scroll down to the "Meeting Summary" tab, click on "Add comment" (note that you CAN type math expressions and symbols).

-To upload your presentation slides : go to the meeting page, scroll down to the "Agenda" tab, locate and click on your talk title hyperlink, click on UPLOAD A PRESENTATION FILE. Note that it's possible to encrypt your file (follow the prompts during file upload) if you only want to share it with a selected group of people. Participants in this meeting will automatically be shown the encryption key that allows them to download the file once they are logged in. You can also send the encryption key to anyone you want to have access to the file who did not participate in this meeting.

Questions? Report bugs, comments & suggestions about the wiki to Amy P. Chen ( &/or Ike Hecht (

Adding a User page[edit | edit source]

The user page can be created by clicking here and then entering the User account name under "Add a New Researcher".

Last names[edit | edit source]

We need to know how to sort the Users' names by last name. The system guesses that the "final name" in the field is the last/family name. If that's not the case, we need to manually tell it what the last name is by filling in the "Last name" field.

Aliases[edit | edit source]

The "Aliases" field is used for References. If this Researcher is credited as something other than their User name, the reference system will use the alias field to still credit this researcher. For example, if User:John Doe is credited in publications as J Doe or Johnathan Doe, set this alias field with the relevant names.

Blocking accounts[edit | edit source]

After a meeting, accounts may be blocked. They can log in to their account, but if they try to edit, they will get a message telling them they are blocked. The blocking can be done here. The blocking can also be undone by clicking here.

Modify Application Areas[edit | edit source]

Edit this page.

Modify Meeting types[edit | edit source]

Edit this page.

Attendee editing dashboard[edit | edit source]

On every meeting page, there is a sticky link for users to go to their own personal editing dashboard. This is displayed whether or not they are listed as a part of that meeting. If they are not logged in, the link will bring them to a login page and then bring them back to the Meeting page. They will need to then click the link again in order to go to their editing dashboard.

Meeting material[edit | edit source]

The dashboard allows users to add their own materials about the meeting, including:

  1. Post-meeting Reflection
  2. Reference material notes
  3. Reference Materials

These items will be displayed in individual tabs on the Meeting page.

Special behavior for Presenters[edit | edit source]

For Presenters, their own meeting material will also be presented on their Agenda item page. Note that the Agenda item MUST be marked as a main presentation on the Agenda item's edit form.

Agenda item material for Presenters[edit | edit source]

The dashboard will search for any Agenda items (marked as a main presentation) for which the user is listed as a Presenter. It will allow adding or deleting:

  1. One Presentation file
  2. Related files

These files will also be displayed on the Agenda item page.

Note that other Agenda item fields such as Description and Abstract can only be edited from the Agenda item page itself.

Admin dashboard[edit | edit source]

Anyone with this link can select a meeting and see a list of users who created materials for that meeting. The link is here. It can also be used to add materials for any meeting participants. On the bottom of that list, admins will see a link that they can send to users in order for them to add their own materials.

Add a table[edit | edit source]

To add a table to any textarea, paste the table into this link. Then tell Ike where to put the table.

See also[edit | edit source]