Population and the Environment: Analytical Demography and Applied Population Ethics/KaileyMartinez
Notes by user Kailey Martinez (NM State Univ.) for Population and the Environment: Analytical Demography and Applied Population Ethics
Post-meeting Reflection
1+ paragraphs on any combination of the following:
- Presentation highlights
- Open questions that came up
- How your perspective changed
- Impact on your own work
- e.g. the discussion on [A] that we are having reminds me of [B] conference/[C] initiative/[D] funding call-for-proposal/[E] research group
I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to attend this short course and grateful for the instructors that took the time to attend and teach us. Obtaining my undergraduate degrees in both Wildlife Ecology & Management and Anthropology provided me the chance to learn about two subjects that have always been deeply interesting to me. Five seasons of archaeological field experience, starting right after my freshman year, provided me practical skills to partner with what I was learning in the classroom. Through undergraduate courses and now my graduate program though, I have found that the kind of interdisciplinary thinking I naturally lean towards is not always fostered in a traditional academic setting, which is why I was so excited to see that it was the main focus throughout the course.
The topics concerning fertility and human population were very interesting, as I had little knowledge in the form of relating these concerns to deeper global issues, besides the basics of an increased population, and the solutions that could be found through more critical understanding and application. The topics presented by Chris Kempes, Caroline Bledsoe, Lori Hunter, and Andy Rominger were most directly related to my interests and helped me to better understand how I could apply my variable knowledge, as well as what I learn in the future, to globally relevant issues that I feel compelled to work with, such as climate change and conservation/sustainability. Being able to talk with the other students was also extremely interesting. As one of the few students at the Masters level, hearing about research being conducted by all of the doctoral students and professionals, was inspiring. The two thought provoking days we were able to be a part of have impacted me greatly and will provide me with greater ideas to include in my thesis as well as hopefully help me explore and decide upon a path for me to pursue in my future doctoral studies.
Reference material notes
Some examples:
- Here is [A] database on [B] that I pull data from to do [C] analysis that might be of interest to this group (insert link).
- Here is a free tool for calculating [ABC] (insert link)
- This painting/sculpture/forms of artwork is emblematic to our discussion on [X]!
- Schwartz et al. 2017 offers a review on [ABC] migration as relate to climatic factors (add the reference as well).
tDAR is a digital collection of records of international archaeological investigations. There are many types of studies available and it is constantly being updated with new publications.
Reference Materials