Cognitive Regime Shift I - When the Brain Breaks/On the Stability of Large Ecological Communities
July 23, 2018
4:20 pm - 5:10 am
- Presenter
Jacopo Grilli (ICTP)
- Abstract
Ecological communities (more generally, non-linear systems) often showmultiple regimes, which are separated by a sharp and rapid transition. I will discuss the scenario when the driver of the transition is the structure of interactions. Random matrix theory has a powerful set of tools that can be used to unveil the relation between interaction structure and dynamics.
Take home messages:
- universality: when many components interact many details do not matter (e.g. the distribution of interaction coefficients) and few global properties of the interactions determine the relevant dynamical properties - the effect of the structure (whether a given network structure is stabilizing or destabilizing compared to the null/random case) *depends* on the interaction strengths properties
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Post-meeting Reflection
Jacopo Grilli (ICTP) Link to the source page
- dynamics: if we think at aging as the approach of critical transition we have specific predictions: critical slowing down, flickering, etc
- information: where is information in this dynamical / tipping point picture? Do we need it?
- scales and information: at what scale should we look at the brain to "explain" the interesting (information) phenomena?